Secret Power - New Zealand's Role in the International Spy Network
Edito da Craig Potton Publishing, Nuova Zelanda, 1996
di Nicky Hager
Libro presente nelle categorie:
oreword by David Lange
Foreword by Jeffrey Richelson
Chapter 1 1984
Chapter 2 Hooked up to the spy network: the UKUSA system
Chapter 3 The power of the Dictionary: inside ECHELON
Chapter 4 Fighting the Cold War: the rold of UKUSA
Chapter 5 The GCSB, ANZUS and a nuclear-free New Zealand
Chapter 6 Behind closed doors: what happens inside the GCSB
Chapter 7 The organisation: secret structures of the GCSB
Chapter 8 Secret squirrels: who runs the GCSB
Chapter 9 Station NZC-332: electronic eavesdropping from Tangimoana
Chapter 10 Under the radome: what happens at Waihopai
Chapter 11 The facts in the filofax: military signals intelligence missions
Chapter 12 What are the secrets? The intelligence product
Chapter 13 Who watches the watchers? Overseeing the intelligence agencies
Chapter 14 Leaving the intelligence alliance
A Who's who in New Zealand foreign intelligence organisations
B A guided tour of secret intelligence facilities
- Waihopai
- Tangimoana
- Overseas stations
C Where the intelligence ends up
- External Assessments Bureau
- Directorate of Defence Intelligence
- Courier links to the overseas agencies
D Second World War signals intelligence history
Index and Glossary
oreword by David Lange
Foreword by Jeffrey Richelson
Chapter 1 1984
Chapter 2 Hooked up to the spy network: the UKUSA system
Chapter 3 The power of the Dictionary: inside ECHELON
Chapter 4 Fighting the Cold War: the rold of UKUSA
Chapter 5 The GCSB, ANZUS and a nuclear-free New Zealand
Chapter 6 Behind closed doors: what happens inside the GCSB
Chapter 7 The organisation: secret structures of the GCSB
Chapter 8 Secret squirrels: who runs the GCSB
Chapter 9 Station NZC-332: electronic eavesdropping from Tangimoana
Chapter 10 Under the radome: what happens at Waihopai
Chapter 11 The facts in the filofax: military signals intelligence missions
Chapter 12 What are the secrets? The intelligence product
Chapter 13 Who watches the watchers? Overseeing the intelligence agencies
Chapter 14 Leaving the intelligence alliance
A Who's who in New Zealand foreign intelligence organisations
B A guided tour of secret intelligence facilities
- Waihopai
- Tangimoana
- Overseas stations
C Where the intelligence ends up
- External Assessments Bureau
- Directorate of Defence Intelligence
- Courier links to the overseas agencies
D Second World War signals intelligence history
Index and Glossary
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