Babbar Khalsa − India

Conosciuti anche come:
Sikh Terrorists
International Sikh Youth Federation
Dal Khalsa
Bhinderanwala Tiger Force
Saheed Khalsa Force
Khalistan Liberation Tiger Force
Khalistan Commando Force
Khalistan Liberation Front
Khalistan National Army

Khalistan, the Sikh homeland in Punjab Provice, declared its independence on October 7, 1987. Over 60 percent of India's grain comes from Punjab, and there are a half-million Indian soldiers occupying the province of Punjab. The Indian Government is responsible for taking the lives of 250,000 Sikhs in Punjab between 1984-1992.

Sikh terrorism is sponsored by expatriate and Indian Sikh groups who want to carve out an independent Sikh state called Khalistan (Land of the Pure) from Indian terroritory. Active groups include Babbar Khalsa, International Sikh Youth Federation, Dal Khalsa, Bhinderanwala Tiger Force. A previously unknown group, the Saheed Khalsa Force, claimed credit for the marketplace bombings in New Delhi in 1997. Previously active groups included the Azad Khalistan Babbar Khalsa Force, Khalistan Liberation Front, and Khalistan Commando Force. Many of these groups operate under umbrella organizations, the most significant of which is the Second Panthic Committee.


Sikh attacks in India are mounted against Indian officials and facilities, other Sikhs, and Hindus; they include assassinations, bombings, and kidnappings. These attacks have dropped markedly since 1992, as Indian security forces have killed or captured a host of senior Sikh militant leaders and scored other successes against extremist groups. Total civilian deaths in Punjab have declined more than 95 percent since more than 3,300 civilians died in 1991. The drop results largely from Indian Army, paramilitary, and police successes against extremist groups. Many low-intensity bombings that might be attributable to Sikh extremists now occur without claims of credit.



Location/Area of Operation

Northern India, Western Europe, Southeast Asia, and North America.

External Aid

Silk militant cells are active internationally, and extremists gather funds from overseas Sikh communities. Sikh expatriates have formed a variety of international organizations that lobby for the Sikh cause overseas. Most prominent are the World Sikh Organization and the International Sikh Youth Federation.
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