Armata Corsa − Francia

Armata Corsa (or ‘Corsican Army’) was founded in 1999. The organization claims to act against the growing link between the nationalist and the criminal scene in Corsica. Armata Corsa thus denounces the maffia-style activities of some nationalist groups on the island and declares to serve the ‘pure’ nationalist cause. The actual size of the organization is hard to ascertain but is estimated at around 30 members. Armata Corsa is primarily organized and active in Corsica, although they have claimed responsability for some attacks in continental France as well. The group can be regarded as rival to the Front de Libération Nationale de la Corse (FLNC), the major terrorist organization in Corsica.

The main objectives of Armata Corsa actually are:

The eradication of organized crime in Corsica and the involvement of nationalist groups in this respect.
Self-determination for Corsica through independence.
The regrouping of imprisoned terrorists – currently serving sentences in continental France – in a Corsican prison.
Terrorist Activity


Terrorist Activities
Most of the attacks of Armata Corsa are perpetrated on Corsica, whereas only a minor number takes place in continental France. The organization must be regarded as responsible for some dozens of attacks and a few assassinations. The attacks of Armata Corsa are principally aimed at public infrastructure, banks, tourist facilities, military or police buildings and other symbolic targets of the ‘colonial state’ in Corsica.
In August 2000, one of the presumed leaders of Armata Corsa – Jean-Michel Rossi – and his bodyguard Jean-Claude Fratacci were killed at the terrace of a pub in the Corsican village of L’Ile-Rousse. The attack was never claimed, although Armata Corsa accuses rival nationalists to be responsible. The discontent of the group regarding the investigation lead by the police and the lack of major results in this respect, entailed a threat to initiate ‘blind an bloody attacks’ in Paris, Strasbourg and other major French cities from 1 February 2001 on. But this threat was never put in practice.

Another presumed leader of Armata Corsa is François Santoni, although the latter recently and repeatedly declared to have renounced from any violent actions since several years. Santoni is the former leader of A Cuncolta, the legal representative of the FLNC, from which he and Jean-Michel Rossi resigned in 1998 out of discontent with the radicalization of the party. In 2001, François Santoni was sentenced to 4 year imprisonment due to past activities of extorsion.

For a chronology of the most important attacks of Armata Corsa and other Corsican terrorist organizations, see
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